Friends of Redhill

Friends of Redhill (formerly known as Home School Association) is made up of a group of parents, teachers and support staff who work to support the school in a number of practical ways.

Meeting each half-term, the group plans fundraising events and supports many events throughout the year, including concerts, productions, parents' evenings and social functions. FoR seeks to increase parental involvement in the life of the school and is always on the lookout for new members.

If you feel you would like to be involved, please email

Join Us!

If you are considering becoming part of the FOR team, we would love to have you. Whatever time you can give to the role is valued and appreciated; this is a small group of Parents/Carers who are very committed to the progression of the school and would love the support.

FOR Events Calendar

All updates and information for these events will be posted on this page as they near.